Friday, 1 July 2011

11. Joan Kelly, 2006 - Children’s Living Arrangements Following Separation and Divorce: Insights From Empirical and Clinical Research

CLICK HERE FOR RESEARCH: Joan Kelly outlines the typical effects of divorce on children and states that, during a study in New Zealand, over 90% of the children sample questioned about divorce would liked to have lived 50/50 with their mother and father. This also appears to be the post-divorce parenting arrangement that most benefits children and maintains strong bonds to both parents. 

Yet Joan Kelly outlines candidly the risks involved in non resident parents litigating for more than the standard court contact of 'every other weekend.':

"As indicated, institutionalized visiting guidelines remain a barrier to interested
fathers who want to be meaningfully involved in their children’s lives following sep-
aration. Based on the power of court precedent, some attorneys discourage fathers
from seeking a more generous timeshare (Kruk, 1992). Because a large majority of
mothers seek full physical custody, these fathers must either negotiate, mediate, or
litigate to obtain more than every other weekend contact, and risk being labeled as a
high-conflict or uncooperative parent by the court because of those efforts."