Monday, 4 July 2011

13. Dr AMY J. L. BAKER - Patterns of Parental Alienation Syndrome: A Qualitative Study of Adults Who were Alienated from a Parent as a Child

Three distinct patterns of alienation are revealed:

(1) narcissistic alienating mothers in divorced families, 
(2) narcissistic alienating mothers in intact families, and
(3) abusive/rejecting alienating mothers and fathers.

p.65 shows that the majority of alienators were mothers regardless of whether the family was intact or not. 

In her conclusion she provides clearer advice than most court welfare officers:

"..........targeted parents should not assume that what they are hearing is the complete truth about how their child feels about them. This should help them “hang in there” despite the intense negativity being directed toward them and should provide them with a motivation for continuing to show their love and commitment to the child, who is after all the victim."