Friday, 24 June 2011

1. Nielson 2010: Meta analysis of shared parent research

CLICK HERE FOR RESEARCH: A powerful meta-analysis of more than one hundred shared parenting research papers in which Dr Linda Nielson candidly dismembers the common arguments against shared parenting.

In her conclusion, Dr Linda Nielson states:

"There are also die-hard beliefs that need to be set to rest: the belief that children will not benefit from living with both parents after divorce, the belief that fathers are generally inferior to mothers as parents, the belief that children only benefit from living with both parents when there is no conflict between them. Despite these trade-offs and challenges, the research is abundantly clear on this: only allowing fathers and children to live together 15 or 20 percent of the time is not in most children’s best interests. This view is widely held by experts who do research, mediation or therapy with divorced parents as evidenced by the research presented in abundance throughout this paper. Our society and our legal system can – and must – do better than this."